Search88 Results

Services or Offerings?
Submit a General Service Request to LTS.

Access requests, questions about doucment creation, and other app related questions.

Report an issue with cable TV on campus.

Submit a request to add content to the YCP Bulletin Channel

Report a WiFi issue with campus wireless (eduroam) or guest wireless (York-connect).

Report an issue with the Canvas application.

FOR FACULTY AND STAFF. Request services for new and leaving employees.

Report an issue with your college-issued flex card.

Request information about our guest wireless availability on campus.

Report issues with any college-owned computer hardware: desktops, laptops, tablets, monitors.

Name Changes are processed to update the YCP username/email addresses.

Request for an employee to move from one office space to another.

****Employees Only****
Order paper for your department with this service.

This service is linked to the Purchase Requisition Process.