MAC Address


All devices that can connect to the internet have a MAC address (aka physical or hardware). You may need to find one when registering to our york-connect network. Each consists of 12 characters (letters and numbers) in 6 pairs.

Examples: 5F:03:A7:BE:19:F2 or 5F-03-A7-BE-19-F2

There are two primary types.

Wireless MAC address (aka Wi-Fi, WLAN)

  • This is the most common, and what you may need when connecting your device via Wi-Fi.

Wired MAC address (aka local, LAN, ID)

  • This is what you may need when connecting your device via a wire (in our case, an ethernet cable).

Find a MAC address

Terms and steps may vary, based on your device manufacturer or model. If you don't see your device, or if you have any trouble, please contact us. We'll help hunt your hiding MAC address. 

Note: Below, we explain how to find each device's wireless MAC address. If yours has a wired (aka local, LAN) MAC address, it should be clearly labeled in the same area as the wireless MAC address.

Operating systems (computers & mobile devices)


Gaming Devices


Streaming devices


Smart TVs


Smart speakers / personal assistants



Contact Us:

For more information or clarity, please contact Library and Technology Services (LTS)

  • Library and Technology Services (LTS):
    • Phone: 717-815-1559
    • Email:
    • Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm




Article ID: 7283
Wed 7/6/22 10:50 AM
Wed 12/20/23 3:46 PM