Find a Library Resource


The Schmidt Library offers you a wide variety of physical resources (books, magazines, DVDs, and CDs) and digital resources (eBooks, online journals, and streaming media) from our collections. Here, we have guides to help you find what you want.

Tip: Once you find and use resources, here's how to cite your sources and add a bibliography in Google Docs.

Find a physical resource

Search our library's catalog of books, magazines, DVDs, and CDs.

Note: You can refer to YCP's Library homepage for more info:

Visit to see our faculty's publications.

Find it in our catalog

  • After searching above, you can Limit Search Results in the menu on the left.

    • Tip: If what you want isn't in the catalog, see the Can't find what you want? section of this article for more options.

  • When you find what you want, take note of the Shelf Number.

  • See the Pick it up in person section of this article for further instructions, or place a hold.

Pick it up in person

  • Visit the Schmidt Library.

  • If you've already placed a hold, just meet us at the LTS Help Desk in the Library to request it.

  • If not, follow the shelf number to find what you want.

Browse by classification

We organize our collections with the Library of Congress (LOC) Classification. Each resource has a unique call number (which includes its class, subclass, topic, and more).

  • Select Class list, below, to see all classes.

  • Find a subject, then take note of the letter beside it.

  • Visit the Schmidt Library, then use our library map to find the matching lettered shelves.


Search our eBooks, online journals, and streaming media.

Note: When searching from off campus, log in first to receive all results.

View all of our databases

Find it in Summon

  • After searching above, you can limit search results in the Facets Menu on the left, or by selecting Advanced in the upper right.

    • For these options on smaller screens, you may have to select the Facets Menu (funnel symbol) in the upper left, or the Menu > Advanced in the upper right.

  • Under your desired result, select Full Text Online.

    • If that link isn't there, make sure that you're logged in.

    • If it still isn't there, then the full text is not available in Summon. Use the Find a physical resource section of this article to search our catalog for it, or the Can't find what you want? section for more options.



Find reserves & e-reserves

Faculty often set aside resources (physical and digital) for students to use for their course.


Archives & Special Collections

Peruse YCP and York's past photos, yearbooks, course catalogs, books, and more.

Archives & Special Collections

Can't find what you want?

We also loan and borrow materials between a vast collaboration of libraries. Search these options to see if it's available.

You can also request an archived periodical or suggest a title for our collection.

Contact Us:

For more information or clarity, please contact Library and Technology Services (LTS)

  • Library and Technology Services (LTS):
    • Phone: 717-815-1559
    • Email:
    • Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm



Article ID: 6848
Mon 6/20/22 11:27 AM
Wed 12/20/23 12:52 PM