Cell Phone Use (College Issued)


This document sets forth York College of PA policies about cell phone usage and applies to all College employees. For purposes of this policy, the term “cell phone” is defined as any handheld electronic device with the ability to receive and/or transmit voice, text, or data messages without a cable connection (including, but not limited to, cellular telephones, digital wireless phones, radio-phones/walkie-talkies, telephone pagers, PDAs (personal digital assistants with wireless communications capabilities), or RIM (“research in motion”) wireless devices). The College reserves the right to modify or update these policies at any time.

For security purposes York College requires that all college-issued cell phones have a protected password lock feature, if available, and that all capable devices be backed up by the user on a regular basis.


This policy is designed to outline the responsibilities that College employees have with regards to the use of their cell phone or other electronic device.


This usage policy applies to all users of a College-owned cell phone and to all uses of this resource, whether on campus or from remote locations.

Use of Cell Phones or Similar Devices

(a) General Use at Work. While at work, employees are expected to exercise the same discretion in using personal cell phones as they use with college-issued phones. Excessive personal calls during the workday, regardless of the phone used, can interfere with employee productivity and be distracting to others. Employees should restrict personal calls during work time, and should use personal cell phones only during scheduled breaks or lunch periods in non-working areas. Other personal calls should be made during non-work time whenever possible, and employees should ensure that their friends and family members are instructed of this policy. The College is not liable for the loss of personal cell phones brought into the workplace.

To ensure the effectiveness of meetings, employees are asked to silence all cell phones, (personal or college-issued), or change to vibrate mode in the case of any anticipated emergency.

(b) Unsafe Work Situations. The College prohibits the use of cell phones or similar devices while at any work site at which the operation of such device would be a distraction to the user and/or could create an unsafe work environment. Such work sites must be secured or the device used only by an employee who is out of harm’s way at such work environments.

(c) Use While Driving. The College prohibits all employee use of cell phones or similar devices for College-related purposes while operating any vehicle and all employee use of cell phones for non-College related purposes while operating a College-supplied vehicle, including rental cars. Employees must stop their vehicles in safe locations in order to use cell phones or similar devices or rely solely on a hands free device. Staff are prohibited from text messaging while operating a motor vehicle for College-related business.

Personal Use of Company-Owned Cell Phones

The College may issue business cell phones to employees for work-related communications. To protect the employee from incurring tax liabilities for the personal use of such equipment, these College-issued phones are to be used for business purposes only. Employees in possession of College equipment (including cell phones) are expected to protect the equipment from loss, damage, or theft. Employees are not permitted to circumvent any of the standard Operating Systems provided by the cell phone vendor for York College (i.e. jail breaking, hacking, etc.) Employees are also restricted from swapping sim cards for any reason on any devices provided by York College. On resignation or termination of employment, or at any time on request, the employee may be asked to produce the phone for return or inspection. Any employee unable to present the phone in good working condition within a reasonable time period may be expected to purchase a replacement. Employees who leave the College with outstanding debts for equipment loss or unauthorized charges will be considered to have left employment on unsatisfactory terms and may be subject to legal action for recovery of the loss.

Use of Camera Phones, Videos or Other Types of Media

The use of the electronic imaging feature of cell phones and transmission of any College information, logos, data, videos and/or photos of the premises or of any employees, contractors, subcontractors, or visitors is strictly prohibited unless required in your job duties.

Under no circumstances may employees take photographs, video or audio recording whether by camera phone or any other device, in “private” areas, including restrooms and locker rooms. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary actions, which may include deletion of the photos and confiscation of the camera, termination of employment, or legal action.

Review of Monthly Charges

Under the College’s current wireless plans, each department will be responsible for their monthly charges. The College may monitor employees’ cell phone usage on College-issued devices. Signs of potential misuse will be brought to the attention of the employee’s manager, who will determine if reimbursement or other action is required. Department managers may request a summary of charges from the IT Dept. Office Manager at any time.

Special Responsibilities of Managerial Staff

Management staff is expected to serve as role models for proper compliance with the provisions above and are encouraged to regularly remind employees of their responsibilities in complying with this policy.

Managers should monitor employees to ensure that the presence of cell phones in the work place provides optimum benefits in managing expenses for long distance telephone usage. Managers should be knowledgeable about the College’s cell plan/package in order to leverage the best use. For example, if there is a choice or an opportunity for savings, a land-based phone should be used for a local call instead of a cell phone. Managers should also address proper cell-phone etiquette with their employees. Managers should immediately implement pre-approved disciplinary measures for employees who violate safety procedures in the operation of cell phones.

Revised 6/16/2011


Article ID: 18943
Thu 3/28/24 1:24 PM